Smoke poles
Smoke poles
Outdoors Columnist Muzzleloader deer season opens on October 15, 2016, in many zones in the state. Some zones DO NOT have a season for smoke poles and some zones have two seasons.
The bag limits also vary from zone to zone. Always check the 2016-17 AGFC Hunting Guidebook for the rules. These books are free and can be found at almost any place that offers hunting and fishing supplies. Get two books and keep one in your truck and the other in the hunting pouch you carry into the woods.
Muzzle loaders have been around for many years dating back to before the American Revolution.
These early models were straight unrifled barrels that powder was poured down and then a round lead ball was seated and sealed with a patch These early rifles were not very accurate, but much better than shooting a bow and arrow. As the guns were used over the years, the accuracy was greatly improved. We have all read about Daniel Boone and the Kentucky long rifles.
There are hunters that like the old style guns and dress in Daniel Boone style of leathers and moccasins. There are clubs that do reenactments based on pioneer times.
The modern day muzzleloaders have evolved into very accurate guns. They have rifled barrels, fast firing primers, sabot bullets, and even scopes. Instead of measuring and pouring black powder down the barrel, there are preformed pellets that burn much cleaner and are easier to load. There are several brands of pellets, but I use Hodgdon triple se7ven pushing a 250 grain sabot made by Shock Wave.
With this combination fired thru my Thompson Center 50 caliber smoke pole I can consistently hit a coke can at 100 yards.
That is good enough to make clean hits on deer.
The gun does have a good Nikon 3×9 scope. Don’t skimp on the optics.
Thompson Center, Traditions, and CVA make very good muzzleloaders and vary in price from inexpensive to very costly.
They are like buying big game rifles and fancy shotguns. You get what you pay for but all will serve to put deer steaks on the camp diner table.
All the rules for rifle hunting apply to muzzle loading season. Orange hats and vests are required and you must tag your deer. It is early in fall and the leaves are on the trees and the snakes and bugs are still around. A friend of mine climbed into his box stand before daylight to bow hunt. About an hour after sunrise he discovered a large wasp nest just over his head. He was stung several times before he could get back on the ground.
Mark Rose’s fishing rodeo was a great success. I omitted one of the major sponsors, Gill Custom Application Service. It takes a lot of help from both volunteers and sponsors to put on a rodeo that all enjoyed. I am truly sorry for the omission. It was my fault, not Mark’s.
Bow season has been on for a few weeks and I still do not have any pictures or stories of your hunts. Send me some, especially if that young hunter gets one. We are heading into a wonderful time of year and it’s even better when you enjoy it with friends. The woods are very dry, so be extra careful with fires.
Don’t forget that Lakeside Taxidermy does great taxidermy work that is both fast and very reasonable.
Papa Duck Lakeside Taxidermy 870-732-0455 or 901-4823430
By John Criner