Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Kaine won the debate on substance. Pence, won on demeanor. Which would you rather have? I think I would take substance any old day. If you look at the way republicans have made fools of themselves the last 8 yrs-how can anyone with a brain the size of a gnat vote for the gaggle of misfits. For shame, for shame.
[ Editor’s Note: As much as I enjoy following politics, I will admit to not watching the vice- presidential debates.
Historically, the VP noms don’t have much to say. In fact, the only line anyone can ever remember from any vice- presidential debate is the one in 1988 when Dan Quayle compared himself to John Kennedy, and Lloyd Bentsen buried him with the “ You, sir, are no John Kennedy” line, so I’ll just have to take your word on it ( although most TV “ experts” gave the nod to Pence)]
*** With the vandalism at River Trace park maybe the subdivision should be renamed Lakethrow Estates. [ Editor’s Note” * sigh*]
*** I hate that the family lost everything in the house fire in Marion, but being a former firefighter I can say its normal for a homeowner to think it takes longer than it really does because you can see your property going up in flames. Ten out of Ten times, sadly to say, the homeowners is usually way off, documentation of the call and time of dispatch tells the true facts.
Dispatchers don’t keep you on the line getting info before they send somebody. Responders are in route while info is taken. The general public is unaware of the emergency response standard procedure which is Federally mandated. I strongly agree with the homeowner that city officials need to start looking in to ways to hire around the clock firefighters. Fire does not pick times only while fighters are home and off work, it can strike anytime it chooses. There has been more Motels added and more on the way which means more out of town folks to protect as well as local folks.
Wake up city officials, Marion is not a sleeply little Mayberry any longer, it’s growing and it’s Fire and Police need to grow as well. If I’m not mistaken, the Marion PD has officers around the clock, and I realize there’s more crime than fires, but my point is if they can pay for around the clock Police, city officials can start with a few 24-7 firefighters.
[ Editor’s Note: “ Ten out of Ten times” is a pretty bold statement, but I’m sure that there is, indeed, a part of the brain that thinks it has been “ forever” in a crisis situation. But this actually brings up a very good point. I am completely sold on the idea that a community with Marion’s population and tax base can and should fund a full- time Fire Department, even if it’s a “ start small” situation where you only have one crew on 24/ 7.
Folks might holler about the cost, but I feel like it’s way past time to make the move]
*** “Cheating the system” — A few months ago I read in text the times about the workers at Wendy’s hitting a metal pan on the concrete outside the drive thru window. The answer to the mystery was that they were picking up dropped coins. However the truth of the matter is that their being told to do this by the managers. You see… each time they hit the ground it resets the window timer to bring their average time served through the drive thru down tremendously to make their location took better to their corporate bosses. Why would any business looking to open a new store up choose West Memphis AR when this is the type of workforce we have in this area?!?!?! This community should be appalled at this practice of not only “cheating the system” but also of Our local Wendy’s supervisors and managers teaching our workforce that it is “ok” to cheat and lie when it comes to company rules and policies!! I could go on and on and on and…… [ Editor’s Note: I dunno, this seems sort of suspect. I find it very hard to believe tapping a stick on the ground would be enough force to trigger some sort of underground timer. In any event, as long as Wendy’s keeps providing me with delicious doubles with cheese, I’m on their side on this situation. I suppose I can appreciate spirit of what you’re saying, but I’m not sure we the community “ should be appalled”]
*** I love the Super Teachers tee shirts that the AWM teachers wore during homecoming week.
[ Editor’s Note: My wife is one of those “ Super Teachers” and I also thought the shirts were not only pretty cool, but also appropriate. While I’m sure there are plenty of folks who could tell you some kind of teacher/ school horror story, there are some amazing people teaching in our local schools. And I’m proud to be married to one of them]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: