Today in History
Today in History
1535 – The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland.
1648 – The first volunteer fire department was established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant.
1777 – At Germantown, PA, Patriot forces and British forces both suffer heavy losses in battle. The battle was seen as British victory, which actually served as a moral boost to the Americans.
1876 – The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas formally dedicated by Texas Gov. Richard Coke. It was the state's first venture into public higher education. The college opened for classed two days earlier.
1881 – Edward Leveaux received a patent for the player piano.
1887 – The Paris Herald Tribune was published for the first time. It was later known as the International Herald Tribune.
1893 – The first professional football contract was signed by Grant Dibert for the Pittsburgh AC.
1895 – The first U.S. Open golf tournament took place in Newport, RI. Horace Rawlins, 19 years old, won the tournament.
1909 – The first airship race in the U.S. took place in St. Louis, MO.
1915 – The Dinosaur National Monument was established. The area covered part of Utah and Colorado.
1927 – The first actual work of carving began on Mount Rushmore.
1931 – The comic strip 'Dick Tracy' made its debut in the Detroit Daily Mirror. The strip was created by Chester Gould.
1933 – 'Esquire' magazine was published for the first time.
1940 – Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met in the Alps at Brenner Pass. Hitler was seeking help from Italy to fight the British.
1948 – The Railroad Hour' debuted on ABC radio.
1953 – 'I Led Three Lives' was first seen in syndication. The TV show was never on network.
1954 – 'December Bride' debuted on CBS-TV.
1956 – 'Playhouse 90' debuted on CBS-TV.
1957 – 'Leave it to Beaver' debuted on CBS-TV.
1957 – The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth. Sputnik was the first manmade satellite to enter space. Sputnik I fell out of orbit on January
4, 1958.
1958 – British Overseas Airways Corporation became the first jetliner to offer trans-Atlantic service to passengers with flights between London, England and New York.
1959 – The first World Series to be played west of St. Louis began in Los Angeles, CA.
1965 – Pope Paul VI addressed the U.N. General Assembly and became the first reigning pontiff to visit the Western Hemisphere.
1976 – Barbara Walters joined Harry Reasoner at the anchor desk of the 'ABC Evening News' for the first time.
1981 – Bruce Jenner and Harry Belafonte debuted in their first dramatic roles in NBC-TV's 'Grambling's White Tiger'.
1987 – NFL owners used replacement personel to play games despite the player's strike.
1990 – The German parliament had its first meeting since reunification.
1992 – The 16-year civil war in Mozambique ended.
1993 – Russian Vice-President Alexander Rutskoi and Chairman Ruslan Khasbulatov surrendered to Boris Yeltsin after a ten-hour tank assault on the Russian White House. The two men had barricaded themselves in after Yeltsin called for general elections and dissolved the legislative body.
1994 – South African President Nelson Mandela was welcomed to the White House by U.S. President Clinton.
1997 – Hundreds of thousands of men attended a Promise Keepers rally on the Mall in Washington, DC.
1998 – The Vincent Van Gogh exhibit opened in Washington, DC. The exhibit featured 70 paintings.
1998 – Davis Gaines performed as the Phantom in the show 'Phantom of the Opera' for the 2,000th time.
2001 – NATO granted the United States open access to their airfields and seaports and agreed to deploy ships and early-warning radar planes in the war on terrorism.
2004 – SpaceShipOne reached an altitude of 368,000 feet. It was the first privately built, manned rocket ship to fly in space twice within a two week window. The ship won the Ansari X Prize of $10 million dollars for their success.