Fall has arrived in Marion
Fall has arrived in Marion
This is a great time to visit the Sultana Disaster Museum, located at 104 Washington Street. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, and 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5, $3 for kids 12 & under and for senior citizens.
The 2016 Marion Chamber Awards Banquet is in the books, and it was a great success. Thank you again to all the sponsors and congratulations to our award winners. Now on to more Chamber events.
On Thursday Sept. 29, the Chamber will host our last quarterly luncheon of the year. Join us at Funkee’s Café for a Dutch treat lunch and hear Sherry Henley discuss “Digital Strategy: Important for any Business”. The lunch will be a great opportunity to network with your fellow Chamber members and enjoy a great lunch at Funkee’s Café. Contact the Chamber to make your reservation.
In September, the Marion Chamber and the Marion Rotary joined forces to recognize our Marion Senior High athletes through the “Player of the Week” program. So far we have highlighted five students from Tennis, Golf, Cross Country and Volleyball. Follow the Chamber’s Instagram page, @marioncoc, and like the Facebook page, @marionchamberofcommerce, to watch for your favorite athlete.
Sept. 22 was the first day of fall which begins the busiest time of the year! As your organization makes plans for the rest of the year, please visit the Chamber website at http://www.marionarchamber. org/to include your event on the community calendar.