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WM A& P eyes new RiverPAC security fee policy

WM A& P eyes new  RiverPAC security fee policy


WM A& P eyes new RiverPAC security fee policy

The West Memphis Advertising and Promotions Commission scanned the police department recommendation for setting security fees for events at the RiverPAC auditorium.

Councilman James Pulliaum had pointed out varying charges and security requirements in the current policy which he said caused perceived inequities.

At the July meeting, commissioners set RiverPAC Director Joe Beasley on the task of developing a revamped security policy in conjunction with the West Memphis Police Department.

Pulliaum pointed out the low-level security requirements at big church functions but prohibitively higher fees and staffing for certain music events and events aimed at teenagers.

Five security classifications had been charted but the exact number needed for security detail could not be determined for a particular event using the written policy.

Actual security rates charged varied from special $14.05 per hour rate for a VFW function at RiverPAC to $50 per hour for some dance recitals, church groups, and a private party.

The data prompting the proposed changes security changes was compiled by Beasley.

Not only have the hourly rates varied, but so have the number of security offers for coverage. It all seemed too fuzzy to commissioners.

“How much are you going to charge,” asked Pulliaum.

“We need to have a policy set. I don’t think you should have a range of 1015 officers. It needs to be set.”

Commissioners reviewed a draft of the proposal.

“The policy looks straightforward,” said A& P Commissioner Troy Keeping.

But with Beasley absent from the meeting, the commission did not discuss the proposed changes and set it aside.

The procedure calls for quick action when as other terms of an event contract are worked out.

Step one of the draft reads: “Within 24 hours, send the West Memphis Police Department a copy of the unsigned contract.”

The contract must have the name of the producer and event, type of event, date times and whether it is a first time event or a repeat event with history in West Memphis. The police evaluate the security needs and respond with the number of officers needed. The auditorium director does the math calculating the number in the security detail times the number of hours and the current hourly security rate to complete the


By John Rech

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