Crittenden County on the cusp of economic boom?
Our View
Crittenden County on the cusp of economic boom?
While we are seeing some economic growth in our county, thanks in large part to Crittenden County Judge Woody Wheeless’ tireless efforts to convince Baptist Hospital to build a new hospital and his work with the state Department of Corrections to take over the abandoned Crittenden Regional Hospital in West Memphis, it would certainly be nice to enjoy some of the big benefits our nearby counties are experiencing.
For example, Nucor Steel Arkansas is planning a massive $230 million expansion at its facility in Blytheville, located in Mississippi County where another steel operation, Big River Steel, has invested a whopping $1.3 billion in a new steel plant that is expected to be in operation by December.
This latest economic boost includes 100 new jobs with annual salaries to be about $80,000. As part of the expansion, Blytheville City Council is now considering a property tax incentive at Nucor’s request.
Now, in nearby Jonesboro, this delta region’s shinning star when it comes to major economic prosperity, city leaders were asked by Frito-Lay of Texas to issue industrial development revenue bonds not to exceed $150 million and enter into a payment in lieu of taxes agreement for another planned expansion of its facility.
From all initial reports, Frito-Lay, which has been in Jonesboro since 1998, is planning on adding at least 30 new jobs. Let us point out these requests follow Frito-Lay’s announcement last year of a $45.7 million, 80,000 SF plan expansion.
Not too far from here, 113 miles northeast as a matter of fact is Batesville, where we’re just now hearing that Intimidator Inc., the Batesville manufacturer of fourwheel- drive utility vehicles and Spartan “zero-turn” lawnmowers, says it will add more that 400 employees over the next four years as part of an impressive $12 million expansion.
The investment will include a second manufacturing plant, this one in the Independence County Industrial Park.
Besides the major accomplishments Judge Wheeless has managed to brag about, he is also attempting to convince a couple of popular franchise restaurants to develop in Crittenden County, and then Marion officials have successfully landed another chain motel to be located in Angelo’s Grove development.
Marion has the bragging rights to a new nursing home facility that promises some new jobs.
While these are certainly positive accomplishments it is unfortunate that the jobs being offered by these franchise restaurants and motels are no where comparable to what Nucor Steel, Frito-Lay, Big River Steel or Intimidator Inc. has to offer.
We do have to make it clear that both the new Baptist Hospital as well as what it may also attract in regard to the medical profession and the women’s correctional rehabilitation facility most certainly provide employee incomes that are average or above average for this region.
It also needs to be mentioned that with the search continuing for a new economic development director for West Memphis and the ongoing developments that are taking place in Marion, we are optimistic Crittenden County as a whole will attract the kind of growth we’re hearing about from our neighbors.