Deer season 2016
Deer season 2016
By John Criner Outdoors Columnist It’s about that time of year we have all been waiting for. Deer Season. Small game like squirrels, rabbits, coons, and other small game have been legal since or before Sept. 1. Archery season for deer opens state wide Sept. 24 and continues through Feb. 2017.
That’s one of the longest seasons in the nation.
Arkansas deer hunting is one of the greatest success stories in wild life management. In 1938 only 200 deer were harvested in the state, 169,000 in 2007, and this year it will be well over 200,000 deer. I remember deer season started on a Monday and continued through the next Sunday with a one buck limit for the year. Hunters went to camp for the entire week and if they got a buck, the hunter’s picture was in the local paper. The season was then expanded to a week in November and a week in December with bucks only. There was a week early long bow season, but no cross bows.
Times have changed!
These are truly the “Good Ole Days” of deer hunting. We can give credit to the AGFC that was established in 1915 and was supported by the fees collected for hunting and fishing license until 1996. The state legislature enacted Amendment 75 that gave 1/8 of 1% of the sales tax money to the AGFC. This has provided the funds necessary for the success of our modern Game & Fish.
Bow and arrow season is just the start of Arkansas deer season with muzzle loader starting on October 15 in most zones. Regular rifle season varies by the zone, ranging from very restrictive quotas to very liberal days and large limits for the season. CHECK the AGFC Hunting Guidebook that is free and can be found in most places that have hunting equipment. Keep a guidebook in your truck.
For the bow hunters it’s that wonderful time of year with few hunters in the woods and the deer have not been spooked. You have practiced and tested the equipment. Make sure the broad heads are the same size and weight as the practice arrows. Carry plenty of bug dope as the mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks will be out in full force until we get a good frost. The snakes have definitely not gone in for the winter so be careful, especially walking to the stand before and after daylight.
Most archers use cover scents to mask the human smell so make sure it is compatible with your bug spray.
Dove season has been either wonderful or awful.
I was fortunate enough to get on two nice hunts. A few teal have been taken but the main flight has not come down. There have been no reports of Canada geese being taken.
Send me both hunting and fishing pictures with when, where, and how you got them. Especially send me kid pictures. The little ones love to see their picture in the paper. When you get those trophies, remember Lakeside Taxidermy for quality work and reasonable prices. Papa Duck Lakeside Taxidermy 870-732-0455 or 901-4823430