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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

I am into the Cryptoquip. [ Editor’s Note: Good to know! …

sorry, I mean “ Hppf yp lmpe!”]

*** I live in delta acres, and on Wednesday 9-14 I witnessed street superintendent Gordon Floyd provoke an altercation with one of the dump truck drivers. The police showed up. Why is [ Editor’s Note: Well, this ended suddenly… Oh wait!]

*** This is to finish the text I sent earlier. I was just wondering why the public has not heard about this. The conduct I witnessed from mr. Floyd is unacceptable or are the good ole boys in Marion back at it again? [ Editor’s Note: I’m not going to offer any conjecture about what alleged incident you are referencing. I guess if you witnessed it, you’ve got the information you need. Why is everybody in Text the Times so into Mr. Floyd’s business? First it was the video of him washing cars for charity in his unmentionables. That went on for a couple of weeks. So now there’s this little nugget. Who are we going to criticize next?]

*** Well it’s clear by your answers about Clinton and Trump who you are for. I still like text the times though. [ Editor’s Note: Wait, let’s go back to talking about Mr. Floyd! Fine… So, ts it really that clear? Because I can’t think of any time that I specifically endorsed either candidate. I assume whomever it is you believe I am “ for” is not the candidate you are “ for,” since you follow up with “ I still like text the times though.” What I have tried to do, in the name of fairness, is run every single text, whether they are pro- Trump or pro-Clinton, and let people make up their minds. If I have presented any information about specific candidates, I have made an effort to only present facts and/ or statistics. I guess some folks don’t see it that way ( see below)]


Go ahead and your endorsement for hillery [ Editor’s Note: While newspapers have a longstanding tradition of endorsing a presidential candidate, I don’t think the Times will be making such a move. It’s a little early though, for most major newspapers to name their picks. With the exception of the Dallas Morning News’ endorsement of Clinton, which was probably announced early for the “ shock value” of the traditionally conservative paper backing off of Trump, most of the major papers will be waiting until October to offer their “ seal of approval” to one of the presidential aspirants. Interestingly, of the “ majors” ( newspapers with a circulation of more than 50,000) the candidate with the most endorsements is — Libertarian Gary Johnson. Of course, Johnson will ulti-matlely be a non- factor. In state’s Clinton will win, he will only draw a handful of Democratic votes, and in state’s Trump will win, he won’t pull enough disenchanted Republicans to matter — not even in New Mexico, the only state he might still poll double- digits in November]

*** September 13, 2016 after Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Rev. Otis Davis and Marshall Thomas has an shoving match on the street and two council members had to come between them. I have never heard so much cussing from a preacher. I know that Rev. Davis did not find those words in the Bible. We as a community need to meet to pray for him [ Editor’s Note: I’ll pretty much run whatever our readers feel is important enough to text in to us, but I’m starting to get an idea of what my Mama must’ve felt like when my sisters and I were kids and would practically trip over each other trying to tell on the other one.

The “ We as a community need to meet to pray for him” was a nice touch though, like an “ I’m only tattling because I care” thing] *** Wow! 30 people pictured in WM Sports Hall of fame…and one Black among them from a town and teams that are mostly Black. Looks like a twisted legacy. WTG [ Editor’s Note: This is exactly thing sort of mindset that prevents race relations from improving.

There were four inductees into the West Memphis Sports Hall of Fame this year. Three individuals, one of whom was black ( and female), and one team. Now, I don’t remember anyone sending in a text last year when there were six Hall of Fame Inductees on the front page of the paper and only one of them was white. Do you? Is it really a “ twisted legacy” to recognize those who made an impact on the West Memphis School District’s athletic program — regardess of race — or is it more “ twisted” to take what should be a celebration of the careers of some very talented and influential folks and turn it into grandstanding for an issue that doesn’t really exist?]


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