Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Inquiring Minds Want To Know!!! A man, do not know his name but lives on Shiloh, why can he take his yard trash and dump it by the utility polls on the street that intersect with Shiloh – High Wood? Very similar to the people in River Trace by the Lake who put their yard trash by the lake and not in their own yard like the majority of citizens in Marion! Is there not an ordinance? They should have to follow the guideline like the rest of us. Just think if we all dumped like them, Marion would be in even worse shape than it is! Hey Mayor, Sheriff can either one of you get something done about this please! [ Editor’s Note: My first question was “ where is High Wood.” I’ve lived in Marion virtually my whole life and I had no clue. I found it. Turns out Highwood Avenue is that road that connects Block Street to Shiloh.
Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and tell you that the mayor and the sheriff are almost certainly not the ones to ask about this. You might want to try the Marion Street Department. The Public Works & Streets Director is Gordon Floyd, who recently gained a bit of celebrity in this very column. His number is ( 870) 7325419] *** In response to yesterday’s text the times concerning Earle school District, I totally agree! I know for a fact that teachers in the past have been hired to teach our babies with no degree in education. It makes no sense to me that a person with a degree in Business Adminstration should be hired to teach children the basics that build the foundation for the rest of their educational careers. Especially when we have people applying for jobs in our school district that have degrees in elementary education but are being turned down because they don’t know or have the inside track with the superintendent or principals of the schools. As for the teachers that are a part of the Teach for American program I think it’s actually a good program for teachers but only if you have a degree in education it’s not fair to have someone with a degree in industrial engineering teaching language arts it’s not fair to our students it’s not fair to our town. You say keep our school district separated from the town government but I disagree, after all aren’t these children the future of our town? So I say it starts in the school district expecting the best in every area for our children. Speak up parents don’t allow the school board and School administration to hire those that they know and those that they favor over qualified teachers that apply with the district and get turned down. [ Editor’s Note: It’s entirely possible that you have some sort of inside infor-mation about a specific set of circumstances that I don’t ( for example: “ someone with a degree in industrial engineering teaching language arts” seems oddly specific, and frankly an odd career choice for someone with an industrial engineering), but there are hundreds ( perhaps thousands at this point) of teachers right here in Arkansas who pursued a teaching career through Non- tradtional Licensure. In fact, if you have a BA in, let’s say History, and then later decide you want to teach History, you already have as much, if not more, content knowledge in your subject area than a person who pursued a BSE in Social Science to teach History. The only remaining training is the teaching method and instruction curriculum, the Arkansas Professional Pathway to Educator Licensure ( APPEL), which prepares the novice teacher for the classroom. And I will continue to stand by my statement that politics and education don’t mix. There’s already enough meddling in the educational system from lawmakers who have never spent one day working with children who think they know what’s best for them and how teachers should teach]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: