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MPO green-lights traffic signal for College Blvd.

MPO green-lights traffic signal for  College Blvd.


MPO green-lights traffic signal for College Blvd.

Busy spot a common crash site

The West Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization resolved to improve intersection safety at College Boulevard and I-40 during the Aug. 2 meeting of the MPO Policy Committee.

The number and severity of accidents at the corner on the south side of Interstate 40 grabbed officials’ attention and improvements at the corner had been a topic of discussion with the MPO for some time. From the beginning, both local officials and Arkansas Highway Transportation Department representatives identified a traffic signal as the key to fewer and less serious accidents at the busy location, between the Tractor Supply store and Huddle House.

But neither the state nor the MPO wanted to take financial responsibility for the project. The MPO flinched first, and forwarded an official resolution to the state calling for a traffic light on the corner.

Study Director Eddie Brawley wanted the State to take initiative to correct the crash problems because the boulevard is also a State Highway (118), and the Service Road is also a state Highway Department responsibility. Brawley outlined requirements to move the project forward to the MPO Policy Board.

“For that project to proceed, the State is requiring us to put up some funds,” said Brawley.

The estimated cost to complete the improvements came in at $464,000. The MPO had $260,000 intended for other improvements and re-tagged $232,000 to cover half the expenses on College Boulevard. The money will come from Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds .

“We’ve made an offer for half their estimate,” said Brawley. “They want it in the form of a resolution.”

The resolution outlined needs at the corner including the new light and turn lanes and maintenance needs in the future. To justify the funds some expected emissions reductions must be documented,

but State and local

officials at the table saw that as a very low hurdle.

“We’ve done that for other traffic signal projects; it should really be no problem,”

said Paul Simms with


After a brief discussion the MPO Policy Committee authorized the resolution, it was signed and handed over to AHTD officials at the meeting.

As the funding process began, no definite timeline was set for the project completion.

By John Rech

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