American Legion wins grant to fund van for vets
American Legion wins grant to fund van for vets
Post Commander: ‘ This is a big deal’
By Patrick Kennedy, LCSW Special to the Evening Times
The Marion- West Memphis American Legion Post 53 announced it has succeeded in winning a grant to fund a transportation van for Veterans living in Crittenden, St. Francis and Cross County. The transportation van will be delivered in the Spring of 2017 and will transport Veterans to the VA Medical Center on Union Avenue as well as the new Primary Care Clinic located on 1689 Nonconnah Blvd. The new Primary Care clinic is scheduled to open in November 2016.
Commander Jim Fiveash reported that lot of work was done by the American Legion membership and our local community leaders to make this happen.
“I would like to personally thank our State Sentator Keith Ingram, County Judge Woody Wheeless, as well as our local represenatives, Deborah Ferguson and Milton Nicks Jr. for their support,” said Fiveash. “Through their assistance we were able to secure a grant to purchase a 10-passenger transportation van through the Arkansas Chapter of the American Disabled Veterans. “
Fiveash described having the van as a vital part of serving local veterans.
“This is a big deal for our three counties,” he said.
“For the first time, we will be able to transport Veterans who may not otherwise be able to get to the VA appointments. Many live in rural areas or do not have reliable transportation. We also have many disabled Veterans who cannot drive and depend on friends and family members to drive them to their appointments” Commander Fiveash now all they needed was a few volunteer drivers.
“We can now start thinking about asking for volunteers to drive the van,” he said. “Anyone interested in driving the van can contact me and I can tell them the requirements to be a volunteer driver. As far as I know you only need a clean driving record and be in good health.”
Fiveash said that when the van is delivered, veterans living in Crittenden, Cross County and St. Francis counties would be notified through their respective Veteran Service Officers.
“We will also notify the news media in the Marion-West Memphis area as well as Wynne and Forrest City.
I'm sure there are a few minor details to work out with the Memphis VA Medical Center and Volunteer Services, but this is now a reality,” he said. “I continue to proud of our American Legion Membership and the things we have accomplished this year. There has never been a better time to be an American Legionnaire. You only need to have served in the Military during wartime and have an honorable discharge to qualify for membership.
Call me and I will be happy to sign you up. My contact number is (870) 636-0343.” Fiveash said the Post is planning a barbeque for homeless Veterans next month.
“And you still have time to get on board with us,” he noted, “and support our local community and Arkansas Veterans.”