Info for WMSD elementary students
Back-to-School 2016
Info for WMSD elementary students ELEMENTARY CLASS ASSIGNMENTS FOR 20162017 Kindergarten through sixth grade students who were not previously enrolled in West Memphis School District will pre-register on Monday, August 1, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 3 p.m.
Kindergarten students who enrolled in the spring round-up need not enroll on August 1st. Kindergarten students must have reached their fifth birthday on or before August 1st to be eligible to attend school.
The following documentation must be presented at the time of registration for a child to be enrolled in kindergarten: 1. Certified Birth Certificate (call the principal for other documentation to verify student’s age). 2. Immunization record 3. Social Security Card 4. Proof of Address 5. Health Screening (EPSDT or equivalent) IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS: The requirements for entry into school, irrespective of grade, are at least three doses of Diphteria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTP/DT/Td/DTap) with one dose on or after the 4th birthday; at least 3 doses of polio vaccine with one dose on or after the 4th birthday; two doses of Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR); three doses of Hepatitis B and 2 doses of Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine. Hepatitis A: One dose for students entering Kindergarten and First Grade. All students who are 11 years old (as of September 1st) must have 1 dose of TDAP. All students entering 7th grade must have 1 dose of TDAP and 1 dose of Meningococcal with a second dose at 16 years of age; however, if the first dose of Meningococcal is administered at age 16 a second dose is not required. The above immunizations are also required for transfer students.
Students must attend the school in the Attendance Zone where their parents or legal guardians reside.
From the West Memphis School District