Every minute counts when dealing with sepsis
Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D AsDs BiTo IMÉn MflMdn MLB
Every minute counts when dealing with sepsis
DEAR DR. ROACH: I developed septic shock over Memorial Day. I thought I just had a bad case of the flu -chills, sweats, vomiting, no bowel movement in the morning and then diarrhea every hour from noon on. I had been treated for Crohn's for the past year and half. I was placed on mercaptopurine about six weeks before this sepsis.
So, I was looking for side effects but had none, and thought I tolerated it OK. I only vaguely understood how much the mercaptopurine would compromise my immune system. I was not warned about septic shock, what to look for, how serious it is and the need to seek emergency services immediately.
The point of this letter is that physicians don't discuss septic shock with patients. And patients really don't know about it. My blood pressure was dangerously low by the time I went to the ER. I am so angry and scared to think that I would be dead now if I'd continued to think it was just a bad flu that might get better the next day. The doctor in the ER kept telling me I was really sick, and they put a PICC line in my neck to administer the treatment. I heard the word 'sepsis' in the hospital, with only a very quick and cursory explanation. No one used the term 'septic shock.' No one told me how lethal it is, and no one told me what the symptoms are and what to look for in seeking emergency help. — D.R.
ANSWER: Sepsis is a lifethreatening condition of organ dysfunction related to infection. It's not just the infection itself but the body's response to infection that causes the cellular and metabolic abnormalities that lead to collapse of the circulatory system. Sepsis is a common problem (a quarter-million people in the U.S. die of sepsis a year), and it's growing more common as the population ages and with increased use of medications that increase risk for sepsis. Septic shock is the name given to severe sepsis with low blood pressure and evidence of serious metabolic compromise. Sepsis itself has a 16 percent mortality rate, while septic shock has almost a 50 percent mortality rate, despite improvements in treatment.
Sepsis starts with infection, so anyone at high risk for infection is at higher risk for sepsis. Crohn's disease itself increases infection risk, as the barrier between the blood and the gut, with its large bacterial content, is damaged. Many medications for Crohn's, including steroids, biological agents and other immunosuppressant drugs, increase risk for sepsis.
I agree with you that people at high risk for sepsis should be warned about risk factors and be educated on early symptoms, because literally every minute counts in treatment. I read a useful mnemonic (memory aid) on the sepsis.org website: S: shivering or very cold; E: extreme pain or general discomfort; P: pale or discolored skin; S: sleepy, confused or difficult to rouse; I: 'I feel like I might die'; S: short of breath.
Note that fever is not necessarily involved: Some people do have fever, while others have an abnormally low temperature. Combinations of these symptoms in a person at high risk for sepsis should prompt a visit to the emergency room, and using the words 'I am concerned I may have sepsis because I have …'
I am glad you are fortunate to have survived septic shock, and I hope bringing more awareness of this condition may save some lives. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell. edu or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from www.rbmamall.com.