Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Just wanted to give some kudos to John Rech on the article he wrote in Thursday's paper about In God We Trust. Three of those words are insignificant in comparison to the one word. It was a good read and i could tell that he put a lot of research and optimism in the article. There is nothing more that i want to have is optimism in those four words but with what i see everyday out of people I see very little to show me that one day soon those words will change to in God a few still trust and a few in not enough for God to make this the country that it once was. So John you don't know how bad i want your optimism for America to be right and above all I hope I'm wrong but we shall see. God bless all.
[ Editor’s Note: What’s the old joke? Any of you atheists have a problem with it saying “ In God We Trust” on your money, you can just give it to me.” It was a pretty cool story. Glad you enjoyed it]
*** Stop giving city big heads raises every yr. spend that money so city stop loading power enough already w m
[ Editor’s Note: Whether it was a good idea or not is debatable, but the raises that the West Memphis city employees received at the beginning of the year was the first acrossthe- board raises municipal workers had received in at
*** I see that people around here are totally against individuals who are not afraid to stand up and speak up for what they believe. I have knowledge Mr. Hubert Bass for more than ten years, and I am going to say that I have absolutely no problem with the way he voices his opinions about so-called leaders we have. For the most part those leaders don’t have the best interests of the precincts they represent at heart. Therefore, all they’re concerned about is making a few extra dollars for a title, position, and a comfortable seat. Mr. Bass is a hardworking man. He’s a family man, a business man, and a God fearing man. That much I know is true. So I just want to let all the citizens of West Memphis, Marion, and especially the Evening Times staff, to back up off my buddy! What I admire most about him is he’s unapologetically Afrocentric. Mr. Hubert Bass is NUMBER ONE!!!
[ Editor’s Note: While I’m all for free speech, fighting the system to affect change, and/ or willingness to challenge others or important issues, if an individual can’t “ stand up and speak up for what they believe” without using racial slurs and epithets, then they aren’t very good at it. If you admire Mr. Bass’ behavior for being “ unapologetically Afrocentric,” I wonder if your admiration applies to people of all races who are so zealous for their own race and culture. I mean, if next time Lisa O’Neal introduces a proposal that fails to pass in the Quorum Court, should she then call Albert Marconi and Shorty Steele a bunch of “ old crackers” and “ honkies” and then storm out and allow us to admire her unaopologetically white- person- centric behavior?]
least seven years]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: