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Earle News


Earle News

The Happy Hour Club met at the First United Methodist Church July 11 where they enjoyed a potluck luncheon in Morrison Fellowship Hall.

Becky Knapp, president, presided.

Rev. Tony Wells gave the devotional on patriotism and the group sang “America The Beautiful” led by Rev. Wells and accompanied by Jane Speed.

Christine Littlejohn, Sue Dorman and Rev. Wells were recognized as having July and August birthdays.

Among those present were J. W. Ellis, Laura Pritchard, Frankie Swindle, Allison Bird, Rev. Stacie Grubbs, Doris Gately, Jean Allensworth, Martha Booker, Sue Ann Elms and Emily Meyers.

*** The Crittenden County Muses Red Hat Society met at Colton’s in Marion July 23.

Ann Pickering-Philyaw was host. Favors were treat bags and candy.

Christine Littlejohn was serenaded with the Kazoos in honor of her July birthday.

Sherry Lovelady of Marion and Becky Miller of West Memphis were guests.

Others present were Minnie McCain of Parkin, Janis Lancaster, Ellen Holloway and Sue Ann Elms of Earle, Mary Frances Davis, Mary Ann Pollard, Cyndi Sanders and Clara Miller, Queen Mom of Marion, Gerry Clark and Polly O’Neil of West Memphis.

*** Laurie and Clayton Adams hosted a Fourth of July cook-out at their home. The group enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs along with a watermelon seed spitting contest.

Following the cook-out the group went to Memphis to the Redbirds game and fireworks display. Included were Amanda Young, Monica and Wayne Dover, Tabitha and Jeff Newingham, Myra Partain and Laurie and Clayton Adams, chaperones.

Young people taking the trip were Austin Gibbs, Brennan Bird, Garrett Partain, Hailee and Bella Newingham, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Deacon and Nick Partain, Adrianna Bailey, Cade Morris, November and Alexis Alford, Adyn Young and Michelle Strickland.

*** Colleen and Chuck Shockley and son Brian of Tallahassee, Florida were visitors of Janis Lancaster, Ken Lancaster and Louis Lancaster recently.

*** Kevin Elms of Russellville and Eric Elms of Memphis spent the weekend recently in the home of Sue Ann Elms.

*** Ann Pickering-Philyaw and Bobby Philyaw enjoyed a recent trip to Dallas, Kerrsville, Hunt and Austin, Texas where they visited with Sue Mathison, Lena Raiford, Martha Tremble and grandson Baron Pulitzer.

They enjoyed a family dinner in Austin attended by 40 people.

*** Adria Roberts, Niki Carnes, Ruth and Bobby Guy and Tommy Buford were in Marion at the party room at The Greens July 24 where they attended a baby shower held in honor of Megan Bius.

By Sue Ann Elms

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