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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

In reference to the power grid going down a few weeks ago.

It seems to me that if some sort of bird caused the problem, what would happen if a suicidal squirrel with a explosive acorn vest got into the power grid? God forbid that would take out the whole counties power supply. I have a suggestion for Mr. Entergy buy some Paragon Falcons, and don’t buy over seas version, because you’’ll probably end up with one leg shorter than the other or half a wing missing!!! Cost means nothing to Entergy, to provide quality uninterrupted service to their customers. That way the falcons can patrol the air and ground stopping all kamikaze humming birds and suicidal squirrels with explosive acorn vest from getting into their power grid. Just a thought from a concerned customer.

[ Editor’s Note: I’m going to assume you mean peregrine falcons, unless there’s some name- brand anti- vermin fal-con I’m not aware of. As for the rest of your idea, this seems like an animated feature that Dreamworks or Pixar would jump on in half a second. You know, the brave squadron of falcons, voiced by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course, protecting “ The Grid” from a bunch of n’er- do- well renegade critters. Jason Bateman as the squirrel, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen as a pair of fat chipmunks, and maybe Zoey Deschanel as the fiesty raccoon that is the brains of the outfit. I might be on to something here…]

*** I was at the social security office in West Memphis. On July 14, the security officer was so rude to me. I haven’t been there in several years. You have to punch information on the screen. I wasn’t familiar with that. I asked him for help. And said he wasn’t for no bullsh—

[ Editor’s Note: ( record scratch) I’m just going to go ahead and put the brakes on this one. I understand that you’re frustrated. While I’ve not yet reached the age where the Social Security Office is on my radar, and thus have no personal experience with anyone there, I’m sure it can be frustrating for anyone working their way through a new system. Your text went on to say that you got the officer’s name to report him, so I’m assuming you followed through with that. I’ll just leave it at that, with hopes that whatever the issue was, it gets resolved]

*** All lives matter and we are not All racist like the President said. He may want that but not true. Poverty and Greed separate people, not color. If everyone was wealthy with material things this racism noise would not be heard. Only a few people come to a fire and if they all brought gasoline the fire would consume everything. Is that what we want. I got water and love and I hope you choose the same. God’s will be done! [ Editor’s Note: I’m usually pretty optimistic, but I have a feeling that “ if everyone was wealthy with material things,” there would still be something that we would create that would maintain a division among us along some other kind of line.

Have you ever heard the Dr. Seuss story “ The Sneeches”?

At the beginning of the story, Sneetches with stars discriminate against and shun those without. A sketchy salesman offers the Sneetches without stars the chance to get them with his “ Star- On Machine” for $ 3.

This, of course, upsets the original star- bellied Sneetches, as they are in danger of losing their special status. The sales-man tells them about his “ Star-Off Machine,” which, for just $ 10, will remove their stars, which they happily pay in order to remain special. Ultimately this escalates, with the Sneetches running from one machine to the next, as the story goes, “… until neither the Plain nor the Star- Bellies knew whether this one was that one…

or that one was this one… or which one was what one… or what one was who.” Eventually, the salesman leaves town with all of the Sneeches’money. Clearly, “ The Sneetches” was intended by Seuss as a satire of discrimination between races and cultures and meant to teach youngsters a lesson that, since it was released in 1974, I’m not sure we’ve learned]

*** Thank you for printing in Our View by Franklin Graham. Every word he said was profound. I love this area and want peace here as well as across this country. We must turn back to God!!! [ Editor’s Note: I think at the end of the day, most of us want peace… most of us]


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