West Memphis Fire Department has a slot to fill
“We are actively seeking another Medic,” said West Memphis Assistant Fire Chief Jeff Jones.
The West Memphis Fire Department just promoted two paramedics, but still has an open slot. Applications to fill the vacancy are being taken through Aug.
15. A physical agility test is scheduled in September for firefighter and paramedic candidates.
Jones said he does recruiting at firefighter meetings wherever he goes, most recently at the State Firefighters Conference.
“I had to call Chief Gately and ask him to bring more business cards because I was steadily recruiting,” said Jones.
The WMFD carried a critically short list of paramedics on the schedule roster earlier in the year, but Jones indicated they have done some hiring and training and are almost back to appropriate levels.
Emergency Medical Services Chief Chris Brogdon described the training that led to two promotions in his division to the Fire Commission during the commission’s July meeting at city hall.
“It's like any national board, they had a written exam,” said Brogdon.
“They had a practical test where they had do go in front of the medical director at the college with evaluations at 12 separate testing stations. They did so well on the written that the computer cut them off after 80 questions. They passed everything the first time on the first day, which is almost unheard of.”
The two new medics have already stepped into their new roles, with an official promotion ceremony scheduled for 10 a.m. on July 25, at Fire Station No.
1, on 7th Street.
By John Rech