Text The Times.
Text The Times.
I pray that things being written in paper about out country, president, Hillary Clinton would stop. I never see anything written ugly about negative things Donald said & have done. It stirs up hate & strife to people who can’t think for themselves or believe everything they read or hear! I love my country & the world & pray for them both & it’s people & problem & God is watching & listening! Peace & love for all mankind in Jesus name. [ Editor’s Note: I hope you are referring to some other newspaper, because we have done very little editorializing on the 2016 Presidential Election. And even then, I think both sides of the political spectrum have been pretty evenly represented. I will say, though, that now that the conventions are very near and there are less than four months until the election, it’s now time for every registered voter to get informed and take a side. No matter who you vote for, it’s important to vote. If you don’t have a “ favorite” in the presidential race, remember there are down- ballot candidates that can make a difference as well. On a related note, it’s not getting much attention at all, but School Board Elections are just around the corner. I can’t remember a school board election where there was more than single- digit voter turnout in the county, but it’s yet another opportunity to have your voice be heard and it’s a situation where every vote really, really counts. This year’s election for all three of Crittenden County’s public school districts is Sept. 20] *** What’s going on at the sheriffs department thats causing people that have been there for years to suddenly quit?
[ Editor’s Note: I don’t think there is any inter- connectivity between any recent comingsand- goings within the Sheriff ’ s Department. I know that when opportunities come along, people make moves, and there’s really no one to fault for that. It’s not just within the world of law enforcement. You see it often with firefighters and teachers, especially this time of year, when school is out and it’s easier to make that transition. I do love a good conspiracy, though, so if you have a theory, please share it!]
*** Several months ago, The Times ran an article on the WM Utility Commission, and in the article it was said that a new online bill payment option will be up and running soon. I have been unable to find an online payment option. Do you know when that may be available? [ Editor’s Note: Funny you should ask, that particular item came up at the Utility Commission’s July 6 meeting. Expect an update on it in Monday’s paper. But the short answer is, they’re still working on it]
*** Glad to see you did not put the so-called protesters in the paper. If they didn’t get publicity like the tv stations give them they wouldn’t be out there. [ Editor’s Note: Not to make light of the situation, but someone recently suggested to me that if they really wanted to make a stand, they should try blocking the train tracks. That would show a high level of commitment]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: