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VBS at Dominion

VBS at Dominion


Photos by John Rech

VBS at Dominion

Tony Wilson of Helping Young People Excel, Dr. Sharon Nesbitt, Pastor of Dominion World Outreach, and Brian Schaeffer Pastor at Interceding Christian Center stand together (top left) after vacation Bible school in Marion last week. The Trio partnered with Shine in the Dark ministries and Churches from Chrisman Illinois. The teamwork produced 30 professions of faith. VBS students came forward to announce accepting Christ along with their testimony of faith. One young lady (top right) responded to the gospel after being moved by the YouTube famous “Light House Skit” done by the visiting mission team from Illinois. (below) Some of the 130 children at VBS last week move to the CAVE Quest theme music. Students from Imperial Homes and Westwood in West Memphis rode HYPE vans which also ran from Earle, Crawfordsville, Sunset, and Marion to the Dominion World Outreach Center.

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