Earle News
Earle News
June 11th, 2016 Earle High School Class of 1966 celebrated their 50th class reunion. They met at Kelley’s Grill in Wynne. Class members attending included Phillip Pollard (Susie), Johnny Fisher (Connie), Jerry Leonard, Nancy McWilliams Leonard, Joe Snyder (Debbie), John Phelps, Peggy Parker Bebak, Judith Brazile Davis, Janice Taylor, Patricia Watson, Powell Jenkins, Mary Jo Swindle Staggs (Tommy), Don Wilson, Stan Harrison (Bonnie) and Patsy Lassiter Manley.
Other guests included Patsy Rogers, Darrell Smith, James and Jana Harrison, John Haddad, Malcolm Winders, Louis Farris and Mark Forrester.
Susie Pollard made a birthday cake in honor of Peggy Parker Bebak’s birthday. Phillip Pollard sang Happy Birthday to her. *** The Red Hat Society met at the First United Methodist Church June 23 where they enjoyed a luncheon.
The ladies were covered with purple cloths and decorated with red hat items. A welcome red hat sign was on display.
Mary Frances Davis of Marion and Ellen Holloway of Earle were co-hosts.
Nancy La Ferney of West Memphis and Sue All Elms of Earle were recognized as having June birthdays.
Door prize winners were Cyndi Sanders and Clara Miller of Marion, Minnie McCain of Parkin, Christine Litttlejohn and Sue Ann Elms of Earle.
Others present were Mary Ann Pollard of Marion and Polly O’Neil of West Memphis.
*** Kim Fraley of Crawfordsville was host to the Canasta Club recently.
Brenda Shempert of Wynne won high score, Mary Jane Edwards of Earle won second, Debbie Franks of Tyronza won low and Judy Tacker Sharp of Marked Tree won bingo.
Others present were Kaye Lehman of Marion, Terre Rodgers of Earle, Bobbie Estes of Jonesboro and Lou Burns of Marked Tree.
*** Sharron Littlejohn of Wynne, Lucas Imboden of Fayetteville, Becky and Larry Miller of West Memphis were visitors in the home of Christine Littlejohn last Monday. *** Sue Ann Elms and Eric Elms of Memphis were luncheon guests in the home of Becky and Grady Frank Gennings in Memphis June 26 where they celebrated Grady and Sue Ann’s
birthdays. *** The 39er’s of Earle Baptist Church had dinner at Audrey’s Pizza in Marion June 23. Included were Charlene and Elbert Person, Christine Littlejohn, Frankie Swindle, Janis Lancaster, Ken Lancaster, Jean Burns, Mary Frances and Edmon Davis, Mattie Goodwin, Doug Manchester, Tanya Pate, Sharon Calvin, Sue Ann Elms and Vickey Wells, chairman of the group.
*** Andrea Jewell of Marietta, Georgia, was a recent visitor in the home of her parents Charlene and Elbert Person.
*** Jean Burns, Ellen Holloway, Mary Frances Davis, Dot McKinney, Christine Littlejohn and Sue Ann Elms had lunch together at Colton’s June 21.
*** Cindy Dickey of Bella Vista was in Earle recently where she visited with family members.
Photo submitted
WM First Baptist invades the Second City
A youth group from West Memphis First Baptist Church stops to take a picture in Chinatown Square during a mission trip to Chicago.
By Sue Ann Elms