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Summer Nutrition Tips from FCMC


Summer Nutrition Tips from FCMC

Stay cool, healthy as temperatures rise

Forrest City Medical Center

Our nutrition needs change when the weather heats up. Of course, the basics remain the same: eat a balanced diet and watch your calories. There are some things that require special attention when the temperatures rise.

Drink water. This is particularly important in the heat of summer. Your hair and skin is prone to dry out, but you can prevent it (at least in part) by drinking enough water. Try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

Cut back on caffeine. Caffeine can dehydrate the body, which works against all that water you're drinking. Coffee isn't the only caffeine culprit. Watch for caffeine in other beverages like soft drinks.

Eat seasonal produce. Both fruits and vegetables that come into season during the summer are great for your body. Use them for the bulk of your healthy diet this summer.

Add vegetables to the grill. Grilling is a popular summertime activity. Don't miss the chance to get in some important nutrition by adding shis kebabs or putting veggies right on the grill.

Get enough potassium.

We tend to be more active during summer months. The excessive perspiration that results from our outdoor activities can throw off our electrolytes and cause muscle problems. You can avoid this problem by eating plenty of potassium-rich foods.

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From Janet Benson

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