A Bit of Hope 4-H Club participates in Delta District Horse Show & O-Rama
A Bit of Hope 4-H Club participates in Delta District Horse Show & O-Rama
Locals take home trophies in junior, senior divisions
From A Bit of Hope 4-H Special to the Evening Times
It has been a busy summer for the A Bit of Hope 4-H Club with members preparing for the Delta District Horse Show and the Delta O-Rama. On June 14th Kristin Simpson, Brynn Roberts, Ashley Beyer, and Jolie Roberts attended District Horse Show in Searcy. Jolie and Ashley competed in Horse Judging and Hippology. Ashley won 1st Place in both events in the Senior Division and Jolie won 4th place in both events in the Junior Division.
Horse Judging consists of teaching students to evaluate horse conformation.
Judging horses, like all livestock judging, is an art that must be developed through patient study and long practice. A horse judge must:
• Know the parts of a horse and their location
• Know which parts are most important and the most desirable form of each part
• Visualize the ideal horse, perfect in all respects.
• Make keen observations of horses and compare 4-H
them to his ideal
• Weigh the good and bad points of each horse
• Develop a system of examining horses so he won't overlook important points.
Hippology is an activity that can enhance learning for 4-H members by letting them exhibit their knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry
in a competitive setting. Phases of the contest
include a written exam, identification of items shown on slides, placing and/or ID of feedstuffs or feed tags, judging, ID stations, and team problems.
A Bit of Hope 4-H Club members also competed at the 4-H Delta District ORama in Forrest City on June 16th and came home with some big wins! Jolie Roberts won a 5th place ribbon in Crop and Seed Identification in the Junior Category. For the competition Jolie had to identify 5 field crops and 15 noxious weeds, take a 25 question written exam, and write a fertilizer recommendation for rice for the nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Jolie also won a trophy for her 2015 Beginner Record Book in Animal Science/Rabbits. Cameron Hicks brought home a 4th place ribbon in Junior Performing Arts Instrumental for his piano rendition of Song of Healing from the Legend of Zelda series.
Cameron also won a trophy for his 2015 Intermediate Journal in Encouraging Individual Development/Arts and Humanities. Ashley Beyer competed in the Senior Veterinary Science Category and brought home a 1st place ribbon and trophy. Ashley's winning presentation was titled “Kidney Diseases in Dogs”. Ashley also qualified to attend State O-Rama in Fayetteville in August.
District Contest and Events are opportunities for youth to compete and interact with 4-H'ers from surrounding counties within the District. More than 400 guests attended the one-day event, which showcased talent of Junior and Senior 4-H members from across the Delta District area.
Youth qualified for the event through county-level speaking and skill competitions including prepared presentations and various skill events.
If you are interested in joining the A Bit of Hope 4-H Club, please contact Katie Hutton at kmhutton4@ gmail.com.