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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Wow. Someone who represented the surf club in Horseshoe said that if the city would take the surf club over that Horseshoe would be like section 8. That sounds racist to me. [ Editor’s Note: Maybe you have your finger a little closer to the pulse of Horseshoe Lake than I do, but I’m not reading anything racist into that statement, but more along the idea that removing some of the exclusivity of the club would lower the value of it. A dubious claim, to be sure, but not ( overtly) racist]

*** I want to give a thank you to Keith Ingram for standing up for local businesses from Arkansas. Many corporations make promises about changing our community and then get rid of or do not hire local people. Keith Ingram fights everyday for the people in Crittenden County. Thank you. [ Editor’s Note: I find myself on the same side as Sen. Ingram most of the time. Not always, but often. But even when I disagree with his position, I won’t deny the effort he puts in to making East Arkansas’ voice heard in Little Rock, where it certainly seems the powers that be often have a hard time hearing it]

*** Good things can come in small packages. I visited a small church in Crawfordsville this past Sunday. I couldn’t believe the good teaching that I heard in just one hour. So to pastor Tony Marshall and the new beginning church family keep up the good work. [ Editor’s Note: There are more styles of preaching and worship than there are drink flavor combinations at Sonic, so I’m glad you found one to your liking. And like at Sonic, my preferences change from time to time. Sometimes I like a little fire and brimstone, but there’s nothing wrong with the happy Jesus- loves- you sermon every so often, either]

*** What are the rules for a service dog are they supposed to be wearing some type of vest to show that they are a service animal and are they supposed to have on a leash. I was at Kroger yesterday and there was a lady in the store with her pitbull.

[ Editor’s Note: I had never heard of a pit being a service dog, but I Googled it, and it turns out that there’s a pretty big push to train pit bulls as service animals, no doubt to overcome the negatives ( often completely justified) about the breed. There is no law saying service dogs must wear a vest, special harness or ID Badge to distinguish them from pet dogs. Federal law ( the Americans with Disabilities Act) does not require any special identification of service animals. However, it is a federal crime to falsify an animal’s credentials as a service animal to obtain special privilege, but I guess in order to enforce that, you have to be “ that” guy that would confront someone using such an animal]


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