Strong returns on WM recycling
Strong returns on WM recycling
City sees near- record volume on collections
West Memphis took in a mountain of recycled materials in May. Residents and business in the city took full advantage of the 24-7 collection point behind city hall at 205 Redding.
The electronics dropped off behind city hall filled the special collection trailer twice.
The two Eastern Arkansas Planning and Development trailers parked side by side took in a near record amount of recyclables according to Code Enforcement Officer Mike Antel.
“We took in more than 15,000 pounds of recycling for the month of May” reported Antel at the June Public Works Commission meeting. “That was our second best month since restarting recycling.”
The current recycling program kicked off in January 2013 after being dormant for more than a decade. A city web link provides some pointers for recyclers using the bins at city hall.
All recycling items should be loose, not inside a bag.
This helps with sorting the items for re-purposing.
Items accepted for recycling include, aluminum and metal food and beverage cans or trays, cereal boxes, milk cartons and plastic bottles and jugs with lids, plastic containers and rigid plastic, cardboard boxes, pizza or cereal boxes, junk mail, newspaper, office paper, magazines, phone books, catalogs, books cereal.
Items prohibited from the collection point are wood, food waste, liquid waste Styrofoam, biohazard materials, scrap metal, aerosol cans, wax products, rubber, PET strapping and plastic bags.
Check out the website for more details on the city recycling program at www.westmemphisutilies.c om/recycling.
By John Rech