West Memphis to host countywide hazmat recycling day
West Memphis to host countywide hazmat recycling day
Safely dispose of dangerous materials June 29
A County-wide household hazardous materials recycling day was announced during the June Public Works Commission meeting in West Memphis last week.
Crittenden County residents may drop off items for recycling on the south side of City Hall on Wednesday June 29 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Both the county and West Memphis recently suspended latex paint recycling because of poor service from a contracted paint recycling company.
But the last Wednesday in June will bring a one day opportunity to again recycle left over paint. West Memphis Code enforcement officer Mike Antel shared a partial list of the special recyclables accepted during the drive.
“Paint, florescent bulbs, any kind household chemicals, like liquids or powders including kitchen laundry and garden pesticides and insecticides, and batteries, are the things they will take,” said Antel.
“There will be specially trained people here to receive the hazardous waste,” said Public Works Administrative Assistant Rhonda Standridge.
For city recycling information or to schedule a recycling event call Rhonda Standridge 732-7671. A web link has basic recycling information for those living in or doing business in the Wonder City www.westmemphisutilies.c om/recycling.
By John Rech