Text The Times.
Text The Times.
The Bible say train up a child in the right way & the child if stray will return to your good teaching! I know their are people who say some parents don’t know how, well don’t have children! If you do then teach them not to be lazy & depend on others, don’t steal, kill, lie, or be a trouble maker! You can be proud if your child is a doctor, cook, ditch digger because it is all good honest work! God can’t lie only man lie if he choose to do wrong! [ Editor’s Note: The truth is, this text isn’t written in a lof of flowing and elegant language, so it might be easy to dismiss, but if you read it, you hopefully saw that there was a lot of truth in it.
I’m all for personal responsibility, and a big part of that is not only taking ownership of your actions but also teaching your children to do the same. It will take a generation or two, but taking an it- allstarts- at- home approach to improving our culture is a great place to start. It’s hard. No one is saying it isn’t, but it’s worth doing]
*** The Marion Fox was spotted beside the garden shed at 210 River Trace Dr. about noon this Sunday. It was standing there curiously watching as we sat around the patio table talking. It’s getting brave in the subdivision. [ Editor’s Note: I hope that someone eventually snaps a picture of this elusive critter]
*** This is sheriff Mike Allen and I want to give a big shout out to Deputy Mike Strayhorn. I receive a lot of messages on Facebook from county residents in regards to comments about Deputies, but this is a first. The message was from a resident of West Memphis and it started out with: “I just saw the most amazing thing!!! A government vehicle, in this case one of your’s #2189 passed me at a legal speed on US 70 at 14:40 AND HIS TURN SINGNALS WORKED!!! Amazing. I come to think whenever police vehicles were bought with extra power, blue lights, etcs. That the government saved money by not electing the turn signal option??? Seriously, this officer actually was credit to y’all because he was exhibiting great driving practices. I message this as u am being facetious as I remember teaching my son to drive and his only smart crack was along the line of… the police don’t do it so why should I? Thanks for a great example from your officer.” I want to remind us that as a public servant everyone is watching us, including children and we need to lead by example. [ Editor’s Note: Thanks for the positive words, Sheriff! It’s actually pretty amazing how just simple courtesy, whether from a police officer or just an average Joe, can really make a big difference. If we all just tried to be a little cognizant of our fel-low man, this would probably be a much nicer world]
*** Earle Councilman Cross has once again made an attempt to up his chance of being elected mayor. Once a major supporter of Mayor Jones he has change his position and had been “leading the charge” against Jones. He is just as dishonest as she is. The city is broke now. 35K has to come from somewhere to start with. High quality camera will cost about $800 and there is no giving someone your card and pin. Video holds up in court.
[ Editor’s Note: This reads a little all over the place, but the phrase that’s most telling is the claim that “ He is just as dishonest as she is.” I mean, whose side are you on?]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: