New bomb dog gets the call
New bomb dog gets the call
Buster gives ‘ all clear’ at Marion Walmart after sniff-ing out false alarm
With just a few days on the job, “Deputy Dog” Buster responded to his first bomb threat call Monday, June 6. Crittenden County Sheriff’s Deputy Briggs Keeten and his newly-trained and certified British Black Lab scoured the Walmart Neighborhood Center in Marion after a bomb threat was made by phone.
Buster earned his badge.
The dog thoroughly scoured the building up and down the aisles finding no trace of an explosive.
Keeten gave the all clear based on the Buster’s inspection. While this was the first time out for the lab, Keeten had ten years experience on the street with another bomb detecting dog.
Sheriff Mike Allen shared kudos.
“I just got off the phone from Marion Chief Kelly,” said Allen. “He was thankful for the dog and to our department for the assist.
The dog searched the building and gave us the all clear.”
The 18-month-old Buster debuted on duty earlier this month and recently thrilled a group a church children with a successful bomb hunting drill. The dog was trained and certified for bomb detection and tracking during a five week school at Blue Streak in Jonesboro.
By John Rech