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Miracle League player round-up Saturday

Miracle League player round-up Saturday


Miracle League player round-up Saturday

Adaptive sports field to host informational, recreational event

The adaptive sports field at Tilden Rodgers Park is looking for some players.

With hopes of starting a Miracle League (featuring special needs athletes, playing a modified form of baseball), the city is hosting a round-up event is this Saturday at the park. West Memphis bundled bond funds and grant money, and partnered with the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation to build the safetyminded baseball diamond for “handi-capable” players.

After the grand opening last spring, the Parks and Recreation Department took a swing at forming a league but it failed to get anything started.

Parks Director Lorenzo Parker said his department was back in the batters box and ready to make another swing at getting to first base by forming a team. He announced the round-up event for this weekend and asked parents, teachers and friends to put the word out and rally prospective players to come out and try out the adaptive field.

“We are trying to get participation just by increasing the awareness about the field and what we are trying to do,” said Parker.

Parker found some support from the community to reinitiate the effort to build a team and put the field into organized play.

“Paul Johnson is volunteering,” said Parker. “He has researched looking for ways to get participation going. He went to Jonesboro and watched their games and talked to people there. He found a T-ball team to come and play with all our kids for the event.

We’ll just have a fun day to play.”

It will be an all-out effort according to the parks director.

“The Boys & Girls Club and our department will be there with refreshments and giving away hot dogs,” said Parker. “There will be an ice truck there giving away free slushies. Participants get a jersey-like T-shirt.”

All ages are welcome, so get ready to play ball. The big round-up runs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Players, parents, caregivers, friends and the public are all invited out to the event.

By John Rech

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