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Civic Center gets some work done

Civic Center gets some work done


Civic Center gets some work done

Fresh paint, new furniture kick- off slate of updates

The West Memphis Advertising and Promotion Commission saw progress toward the goal of redecorating the Eugene Woods Civic Center during the May meeting. The work passed the “sniff test” too, as the group met in a freshly repainted meeting room. Commissioners authorized the purchase of new banquet tables and chairs.

In an effort to increase meeting date commissioners previously decided to make the facility more attractive with update technology and decor.

The Civic Center saw more than 2,000 visitors attend events there in April.

Most of the existing furni- ture had become dated and worn out. Over the years replacement furniture was ordered but the slight mismatches over time eventually created a hodge-podge image. Carpet choices were expected to follow the paint project now under way.

Commissioners voted for the 500 new chairs and two new dollies to come through a Jonesboro distributor after competitive bidding and availability on identical seating were considered. The new banquet seats cost $18,226 delivered. 100 new white granite color plastic tables were purchased too. Half the tables were 60 inch round tops and the other 50 are eight foot rectangular shaped tables.

“I notice none of these bids are charging sales tax so we are getting an apples to apples comparison,” said City Councilwoman Ramona Taylor. “It may have to be paid later but it gives us an even comparison.”

“The tax will, of course, be less by going with the low bidder,” noted Commissioner G.W. Sorrells.

Along with five table dollies the lowest bid was chosen costing $8,494. Total cost for all the new furniture came in at just over $26,700.

Commissioners heard that other city departments sometimes borrowed furniture for special functions.

The commission bequeathed the frequently borrowed items to the other departments and made plans to store the old stuff off site.

The furniture and paint improvements rolled out together with a technology upgrade for the flat surface convention space in the center. The main meeting room and one big side meeting room have begun receiving new video screens, computer hooks ups, speakers, Internet access, and acoustic sound panels. The panels are coordinated with the paint decor and commissioners saw a demonstration of one of the newly installed retractable

projection screens.

By John Rech

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