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See mosquitoes swarming? Give Vector a ‘buzz’…


See mosquitoes swarming? Give Vector a ‘buzz’…

Company on call to keep pesky pests in check

AVector Disease Control (VDCI) representative handed stacks of mosquito statistics to West Memphis City Council last week. According to the city’s contractor, Earnest English, VDCI maintains a number of traps around the city to compile a mosquito census. “We remain diligent in our surveillance and control activities to prevent a significant increase in the mosquito population,” said English.

Vector proactive tactics included surveillance and inspections. The results dictated the response method and areas of concentration.

VDCI deployed New Jersey styled light traps covering both residential and recreational areas around the city. Mosquitos are attracted to the light and collected in the trap for analysis. Sites included their own headquarters on Peden Road, one on Garrison Street, at the Meadowbrook Country Club, on Goodwin Road, on east Polk Street, and South 15th Street. April results netted 102 mosquitoes.

Some inspections turned up larvae. VDCI responded with 285.7 pounds of Vector Gs, 21.5 gallons of Wisdom TIC and 37 Altosid biscuits at the discovered breeding sites. Potential breeding habitat found in artificial containers like tires, bird baths and buckets were targeted.

622 spray miles blanketing 22,621 acres were logged in April and early May by the company. Mosquitoadulticide was sprayed from ULV equipped trucks.

English emphasized VDCI welcomes all call from area residents with any mosquito- related questions or concerns. He reported responding to service calls since the start of “mosquito season” earlier in May. The company responded to 12 calls in April. Anyone seeking information or reporting an infestation is invited to call the VDCI office at (870) 735-4688.

By John Rech

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