Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Please publish address where donations can be sent to chief Jeff Jones. [ Editor’s Note: Donations can be sent to the West Memphis Fire Department, P. O. Box 1728, West Memphis, AR 72301. For more information about donating to Assistant Fire Chief Jeff Jones’ medical expense fund through a currently- underway Boston butt fundraiser, contact Fred Thorne at 870- 514- 1579, or Roger Lancaster at 870- 3946643. Your support will be greatly appreciated]
*** Good morning, I have a question. I hope it’s not too far fetched from the type of subjects you deal with. As I go through each day observing various situations and the reactions to them by certain people, it gives me a great deal of insight on how society has changed drastically over the years. I’m talking about everything from the way we communicate with each other to the type of training children are receiving (or the lack thereof). I have always been interested in having a platform to use in order to voice my opinions and perhaps present possible solutions to our circumstances. I love to read various newspaper articles, magazines, and online news. I try to stay abreast of all the major headlines locally, nationally, and internationally. My question is, how would I go about obtaining a spot in the Evening Times (or any other media outlet), in order to express my views? [ Editor’s Note: There was a time when it was difficult to find a way to get a message to the masses.
But thanks to the Internet and the advent of social media, blogging, mass e- mail, chat rooms, comments sections and other online platforms, it’s now easier than ever to have your voice be heard. The question, I suppose, is whether or not this is a good thing. I mean, yes it’s easier to spread a message of hope and positivity, but those same means also provide an outlet for hate and vitriol. If you’re simply looking for a way to get your ideas out there, there are dozens of free blog hosting sites online ( blogging, originally styled as ‘ blogging, is shorthand for web logging, or basically keeping an online journal that followers can subscribe to and offer feedback.
WordPress is the most popular blog hosting site and is very user friendly. A couple of the other top sites are tumblr and LiveJournal. So, if you think you can produce enough original content that people would want to hear, I suggest you start there and, who knows, you might gather a following. Now, if you’re asking about how to become a columnist for the Evening Times ( or any newspaper, really), I’d suggest you start with a letter to the editor ( in this case, me!), focusing on one particular subject. If it’s good ( and I understand that “ good” is open to interpretation), it could lead somewhere.
We have a handful of local columnists who started out that way, and we’re always open to the idea of offering a variety of viewpoints. If yours offers something unique ( that is, a slant we aren’t already getting), we could look at doing something regularly. I will go ahead and let you know on the front end that we’re not looking to add any paid content at this time, so you’d be writing for the satisfaction of a job well done and the opportunity to express yourself. You ( or anyone else) can e- mail me at news@ theeveningtimes. com]
*** Love text the times especially the responses!!! Keep it up
[ Editor’s Note: I hope everyone loves Text the Times. I know some readers think I only use it as an opportunity to be sarcastic or talk down to people, but I genuinely hope to simply inform and entertain our readers.
It’s also a good way for our readers to express their opinions, not just mine. I’m a big proponent of the idea that my opinion isn’t any more or less valid than yours. Folks who think their opinion is more valid simply because it’s theirs are the ones I tend to respond to with the sarcasm]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: