Sports briefs
Sports briefs
Earle Salutes State Basketball Champs — The Earle Community will have a Historical Celebration Program, Awards Ceremony, and Fish Fry to salute the High School and Middle School award winning Girls and Guys Basketball State Champs, District Champs, and Regional Champs. All Players, Managers, and Coaches will be Recognized. May 21, at Earle High School Gymnasium and Cafeteria from 1-4 p.m. The entire Community is invited to come out and congratulate the players, enjoy a fish dinner, and participate in a great afternoon fellowship. The event is free to the public.
Wednesday, May 12, HHC Car Display at Fillin Station on Church Road in Horn Lake, MS, by Southern Thunder Harley Shop. Legends Night, May 13– The Honoree on the Legends Night , May 13, will be Ray Bugg. Catfish Dinner on Legends Night, May 13, will be $5.00. Everyone come and Celebrate Ray Bugg’s Years of Racing. Saturday morning (10-12) am, May 14, 2-seater and several cars will be at the Germantown Library “Touch A Truck”. Race Special, Hooker Hood Classic, will be, May 14. Saturday Night. Race Program will have a special 4page layout on Hooker Hood.
• Arkansas Bass Classic —
Saturday, May 14, at the Surf Club in Horseshoe Lake. 6 a.m. Tournament Launch. $1,000 guaranteed first place. Registration is required. $150 by May 1. $175 after May 1. Full day of family fun. Hosted by the Arkansas Highway Police, benefitting Make-AWish. Visit m for more information. Limited to 50 boats.
Upcoming events at Riverside Raceway –