Baby’s godmother is cut off for life after simple hello
Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren
Baby’s godmother is cut off for life after simple hello
DEAR ABBY: When my friend became pregnant, her boyfriend didn't stick around to be in the baby's life. The three of us had gone to school together, and they started dating years later. When she asked me to be the child's godmother, I said yes. The baby is 5 months old now.
While I was out at a bar recently, I ran into the boyfriend. My friend is now mad at me because I said hello to him. She thinks I should have ignored him, given him a dirty look or had words with him in public, but that's not me.
She's now saying she never wants to talk to me or see me again. She told me to have a good life! I know she's bitter, but I feel that was a little extreme. What should I do? -CONFUSED GODMOTHER DEAR CONFUSED: Frankly, I think you should take this vindictive individual at her word until she apologizes. If you do as I suggest, there will be far less turmoil and drama in your life. *** DEAR ABBY: My girlfriend and I each own our homes and have about the same mortgage payment. She ends up staying with me most of the time because I live closer to where we both work.
I recently found out that she has been Airbnbing her condo a lot of the weekends when she stays with me. I feel taken advantage of even though it doesn't really affect me whether her place is empty or she's getting rent.
What is the etiquette on such an arrangement? Should I be getting a cut? I feel if I told her I wanted to stay at her place and rent out mine, she would want some of the money. — WEEKEND ROOMIES DEAR WEEKEND ROOMIES: There is no rule of etiquette governing whether you're entitled to some of the income she receives from renting out her place while she's visiting you. Discuss this with your entrepreneurial girlfriend and see how she feels about sharing the wealth. Her reaction will give insight into her character. *** DEAR ABBY: I am an elementary school teacher, and I have noticed that many of my colleagues come to work when they're sick. Taking time away from work to recover from an illness seems to be viewed as weakness. We have sick days, but they are proud of the fact that they don't use them.
These coworkers wear their illnesses like badges of honor — as if coming to work sick somehow shows their dedication. I feel it is inconsiderate to the children and to other staff members who are forced to spend hours with them in enclosed spaces exposed to their germs.
I'm not sure how to express my feelings without causing a rift because one of the worst offenders is the principal. Any suggestions? — SICK & TIRED IN CALIFORNIA DEAR SICK & TIRED: Just this: You are entitled to air your feelings about this with other staff members in the teachers' lounge. However, if you think your principal might retaliate if you complain about his/her lack of consideration, make a point of keeping your distance when your boss shows any symptoms of something contagious.
*** Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.