Better to abstain or moderate drinking after breast cancer diagnosis
Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D
Better to abstain or moderate drinking after breast cancer diagnosis
DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. I have been reading articles saying that drinking moderately is not a good idea. I have always been a very moderate drinker, averaging five drinks per week. Does my diagnosis of breast cancer mean I must give it up altogether? None of my doctors has told me to stop drinking, so that makes me wonder about the bottom line of these articles. What is your opinion? — J.
ANSWER: There is consistent evidence that consumption of even moderate amounts of alcohol increases risk of breast cancer. However, the absolute risk is modest, about 1.5 percent increase in risk between moderate drinkers and nondrinkers. Among women with diagnosed breast cancer, one recent study suggested that drinking more than three or four alcoholic drinks weekly may increase the risk of recurrence, particularly in older or heavier women. Again, the magnitude of the difference was not large, with about 2 percent increased risk of recurrence in moderate drinkers, compared with women who do not drink.
The lowest risk of breast cancer and breast cancer recurrence is among nondrinkers. It's your choice, but if you do decide to drink, I would recommend having no more than three drinks per week.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I frequently get laser light in my eyes when checking out books in the public library. The checkout person will sometimes hold the laser checkout light in such a manner that when he or she scans the bar code, it hits my eyes as well, or the checkout person, having scanned the item, does not place it back into a specifically designed holder. Do I need to worry about damage to my eyes? — P.L.
ANSWER: Damage to the retina comes from highpowered lasers, especially green lasers. Some green laser pointers sold in the United States have a power of well over 5 milliwatts and may cause damage if pointed at the eye for even a short while.
The lasers used in grocery stores and libraries have far less power, normally less than 0.1 milliwatts, and are the much safer red color. As far as I can find, no damage to the retina has been reported from a red laser below 3 milliwatts, let alone these very low-power lasers. Still, you should never point a laser at someone's face, and I would ask to speak with the head librarian about laser safety.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I use 100 percent pure coconut oil to moisturize my skin and hair. Do you think there is any reason to worry about it being absorbed into the blood? It has a reputation as a 'bad fat.' — Anon.
ANSWER: Coconut oil is not absorbed, to any significant degree, through the skin. Many people find it helpful as a skin moisturizer, although it can block pores, causing acne for some. Although it is a saturated fat, it seems to have less propensity to cause damage to arteries than saturated fats derived from animals. However, I would use it only moderately in food. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.c or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from