High Water, Slow Fishing
Promotions for a few of West Memphis’ finest
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Recently, West Memphis Police Chief Donald Oakes announced promotions for several of his veteran officers. Oakes stated, “Earlier this year, we tested and interviewed many officers eligible for promotion. At the conclusion of the process, several officers stood out with the command staff and we were fortunate to have positions available. I am proud to announce the promotions of Patrolmen Richard Dennis, Charles Burch, and Jennifer Evans to the rank of Sergeant as well as Sergeant’s Stacy Allen and Jason Kennedy to the rank of Lieutenant. Our Patrol, Detective, and Training Divisions will all benefit from these promotions.”
Pictures with Chief Oakes, are the newly-promoted (left-toright) Sgt. Burch, Sgt. Evans, Sgt. Dennis, Lt. Allen and Lt. Kennedy.