‘State of the Mission’ report
‘State of the Mission’ report
Pastor offers banquet crowd a summary of activities, plans for the future
Pastor Larry Brown held his 8th Street Mission accountable providing a recap of activities last year. Those attending the annual banquet at the civic center heard the good report Tuesday night. Brown began by giving honor and glory to the Lord in his life and in the life of the mission then offered a blessing to all those on hand.
“It has been a mission now for 34 years,” said Brown, “a mission for Jesus Christ.
This 2015 annual report offers a complete picture how this rescue mission has served this community.”
Some of the highlights from Brown’s report are bullet pointed:
• 22 men graduated from our Second Man Christcentered deliverance program.
• Emergency aid program provided 4,784 articles of clothing costing $34,488.
• 50 men came to the mission, 15 from Arkansas and 35 others from 20 other states.
• 100,000 meals served to the poor and homeless.
“People from all over this nation are being touched by this mission because of prayers, support and volunteers,” said Brown. “They are helping transform lives by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is love in action. It is about each one reach one; each one teach one, it’s not about talking about it, it is about being about it. We are to touch as many lives as God allows to do so.”
Brown caste vision for the future of the mission for a homeless families in crisis.
The mission acquired and eight unit apartment building on 8th Street and plans renovation. Upon completion doors to two bedroom apartments will open to qualifying homeless families. Up to six months free rent will be provided for those willing to seek a job.
70 percent of earned wages will accumulate in escrow assuring families a successful transition to a home.
Brown desired to minister to families in the new place because his family was in a place of homelessness and God graciously delivered his family from need. The new outreach is called Supporting Services for Homeless
Families. “I want to share the love
that God showed me,” said Brown about the apartment building. God is always in the fire with you.”
Brown asked for individuals donations of $9.89 per month.
“We don’t take government money because we never want to be asked to take the name of Jesus Christ off our sign. If you can’t give of your financial substance, give of your time and volunteer. Be praying for us,” said Brown.
Contributions may be sent to the 8th Street Mission at 717 East Broadway, West Memphis, AR, 7230.
By John Rech