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Schoettle Center could be new home for DeltaARTS


Schoettle Center could be new home for DeltaARTS

Group gets tentative agreement on lease from Quorum Court

The Schoettle Center could soon have a new tenant.

The Quorum Court gave a tentative nod to DeltaARTS to lease the building for its new headquarters.

Executive Director Amelia Barton told the justices that the group has been looking for a new location because the Holiday Plaza Mall is being demolished in October.

“We met and talked and though a lot about different facilities and we really feel the Schoettle Center would be the perfect spot for DeltaARTS,” Barton said.

DeltaARTS is an arts agency that provides art, theater, education and learning experiences for students, teachers, families and senior citizens in Crittenden County, east Arkansas, north Mississippi and west Tennessee.

The Glenn P. Schoettle Center Medical Education Center is a 7,500 square foot facility which features a 76-seat auditorium and physician’s study room.

The facility was built in 2000 and was a gift from the Schoettle Family in

honor of his 47 years of medical practice in Crittenden County.

The building is owned by the county and got caught up in the bankruptcy proceedings when Crittenden Regional Hospital closed in August 2014 and declared bankruptcy.

Barton said the Schoettle Center would be ideal for its offices and is big enough to host small theater performances, art exhibits, and workshops.

“It would enable us to do more for the community because we would have a wonderful place where we could do more workshops and sessions,” Barton said.

“Plus, it is architecturally wonderful. It has that feeling of where the arts should be.”

Barton also said the Schoettle family is supportive of their desire to lease the building for the arts.

“They are in favor of us being in this facility,” Barton aid. “They have offered to support us any way they can.”

DeltaARTS had asked for a dollar a year lease for five years, but the justices countered with a $100 a month to help offset the cost of the furniture.

The county purchased all of the assets inside the Schoettle Center for $5,000.

DeltaARTS is currently paying $750 a month for rent.

“I’m not looking for the county to be out any additional money,” said Justice Vickie Robertson. “It would only be fair if DeltaARTS would allocate some money every month to pay off that $5,000 so it doesn’t cost the county any money for furniture that is going to stay with the building.”

Delta Arts would also be responsible for paying all utilities and insurance on the building, and would require permission from the county to make any internal improvements.

The Schoettle name will remain on the building.

Justices tabled the lease to give Barton time to speak to the board of directors.

“We’re pretty excited about this possibility,” Barton said.

By Mark Randall

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